Chemistry game top scores

From fastest to slowest. People with green scores have won the game!

Element name game:

Jami 3:03100%2013/08/11
megan 3:10100%2013/08/11
Daniel Lanclos 3:13100%2013/07/25
Justin 3:42100%2013/07/29
Sean 3:56100%2015/08/10
Mrs. Gundlach 4:11100%2011/06/15
Eric 5:34100%2013/07/20
Abigail Snyder 5:59100%2015/07/28
Nate 6:02100%2015/08/10
AM 6:11100%2015/08/11
Sarah 6:20100%2015/08/18
Xander 6:22100%2015/08/10
Emma 6:24100%2015/08/11
Kara 6:25100%2013/07/26
Jesse Daniels 6:25100%2013/08/09
alexander 6:27100%2015/08/01
name 6:39100%2015/07/15
John 6:44100%2015/08/01
Eva 6:47100%2015/08/03
Mary 7:01100%2013/08/12
Jacob Cullom 7:05100%2015/07/25
(time to beat) 7:08100%2013/08/12
these names are hilarious who did the latin one%3F22:07100%2015/07/25
Ted 1:4934%2014/03/20
christian delmarter 1:5214%2015/08/08
Hey 0:429%2017/01/23
Empress 0:548%2013/08/09
Emily 1:338%2015/07/08
fre 1:587%2016/01/25
write an excpetion so people do do this %22Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet%2C consectetur adipisicing elit%2C sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam%2C quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident%2C sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.%22 1:236%2014/06/03
Tom%E1%u0161 Taro 0:195%2013/07/31
Ferran Garcia 0:285%2015/07/16
j 1:055%2014/06/03
Kristina Beck 0:544%2013/08/09
Ameer Usman 2:303%2015/04/06
test 0:193%2015/08/24
your face 0:042%2015/05/12
Ana Madrid 0:051%2015/07/17
k 0:081%2014/02/12
%u02DC%E5%u2020%B4%u2202%E5%u02DC%u02C6%B4%AC%DF 0:191%2015/07/03
Omar 0:261%2013/09/22
Razvan 0:441%2016/12/21
Xander Haymore 0:000%2015/08/05
Jamie 0:000%2016/02/09
Nate Daniels 0:000%2015/08/10
It was my decision to get clean%2C I did it for me Admittedly%2C I probably did it subliminally For you%2C so I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through And don%27t even realize what you did%2C %27cause believe me you 0:000%2015/07/03
bob 0:000%2015/04/22
v 0:000%2015/10/16
hhh 0:000%2018/02/26
KWAW 0:000%2016/01/28
David Lanclos 0:000%2015/08/01
Peter 0:000%2017/12/29

Element symbol game:

Jami 2:59100%2013/08/11
Sean 3:00100%2015/08/10
Daniel Lanclos 3:08100%2013/07/25
megan 3:09100%2013/08/11
Justin 3:53100%2013/07/29
John 4:15100%2015/08/01
Mrs. Gundlach 4:26100%2011/06/15
Emma 5:05100%2015/08/11
Kara 5:31100%2013/07/26
Abigail Snyder 5:32100%2015/07/28
Nate Daniels 5:47100%2015/08/10
Eva 5:54100%2015/08/03
name 6:02100%2015/07/15
Ana Madrid 6:02100%2015/07/18
Sarah 6:11100%2015/08/16
Jesse Daniels 6:11100%2013/08/09
Xander Haymore 6:12100%2015/08/06
Jacob Cullom 6:13100%2015/07/26
Mary 6:17100%2013/08/12
alexander 6:22100%2015/07/26
(time to beat) 6:26100%2013/08/12
Nate 6:50100%2015/08/10
anonymous 7:04100%2013/06/25
AM 8:31100%2015/07/18
jorge 8:59100%2015/07/25
Josh 9:34100%2015/08/10
Brett Reeves12:40100%2015/07/25
Kristina Beck18:35100%2013/08/09
David Lanclos25:30100%2015/08/01
bob 6:2954%2015/07/08
Henry 7:0851%2015/09/03
Emily 5:4747%2015/07/08
BAR 7:2247%2015/07/19
Michael 1:1723%2015/01/26
54456 2:2319%2017/10/22
Ted 1:0314%2014/03/20
k 2:2214%2014/02/12
Rohit 0:308%2013/06/22
Empress 0:308%2013/08/09
j 1:598%2014/06/03
christian delmarter 0:297%2015/08/08
daf 0:515%2016/01/04
Harshit 0:294%2015/10/05
This game is hella hard if you dont have it memorized 0:324%2014/06/03
Hey 0:203%2017/01/23
your face 0:203%2015/05/12
Kate 0:173%2017/01/29
It was my decision to get clean%2C I did it for me Admittedly%2C I probably did it subliminally For you%2C so I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through And don%27t even realize what you did%2C %27cause believe me you 0:223%2015/07/03
Test 0:233%2015/07/03
Jose-p-huh 0:313%2017/11/09
h 0:162%2016/09/23
fdd 0:232%2015/02/05
alex 0:252%2015/10/02
Dustin 0:252%2016/10/15
kjjk 0:081%2015/09/22
Thomas 0:081%2015/03/12
e 0:291%2017/08/02
ass 1:211%2016/04/06
xxxx 0:000%2014/01/08
gg 0:000%2013/09/23