
I love puzzles, especially hard algorithmic challenges. Here are some of my favorites, most of which I've been asked in interviews, used in interviews, or plan to use in interviews. Some of them are just fun, even though they wouldn't make good interview questions.

You can email me at gundlach at gmail for hints.

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Picture a two-dimensional mountainscape, like a bar graph of a stock's price over the course of a month. A giant rainstorm comes and rains over the mountainscape. When the storm is over, water has filled every valley to the brim across the mountainscape.

Write a function that takes in an array of heights of the mountainscape and returns the number of units of water retained after the storm.

Example: [50, 40, 30, 20, 30, 20, 30, 40, 50] represents a single valley, and it would hold 140 units of water.

Example: [20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20] represents a single mountain, and so all the water would run off the edge and nothing would be retained.

Example: [20, 30, 40, 50, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20] represents a mountain with a little valley at its peak, and it would store 10 units of water in the valley.

It can be done in linear time, constant space.


Write a function that takes in an array of integers A and returns a new array B. Each slot B[i] should be equal to the product of A's elements, divided by A[i].

The catch: you can't use the divide operator, or re-implement it using other operators like subtraction or log.

Example: if A=[3, 3, 4, 5, 1], B=[180/3, 180/3, 180/4, 180/5, 180/1], which is [60, 60, 45, 36, 180].

It can be done in linear time, constant space.


Write a function that takes in an array of items and returns a copy of that array with all duplicate items removed.

Example: [A, C, B, C, A, C, A, A] returns [A, C, B].

Example: [A, B, C, D] returns [A, B, C, D].

To make it harder:

All the above can be done in linear time and space.


You buy a container of used iPads on eBay. The seller tells you that
  1. 20% of the shipment are in perfect condition
  2. 50% of the shipment have broken screens
  3. 40% of the shipment have broken wifi
What percentage of them have an unbroken screen and broken wifi? How did you get your answer?

Sub hunt

You're hunting a submarine who is on an infinite number line. It moves at a constant integer velocity per second. It started at some integer position, so you know that every second it will be at an integer position.

Unfortunately, you don't know what position the sub started at, nor do you know the sub's velocity.

Your only way to find the sub is to drop a depth charge. You may drop one per second, anywhere on the number line that you like. It will either hit the sub and you win, or miss the sub and you can try again the following second.

You have infinite time to hunt the sub, and infinite depth charges. You are a very patient hunter.

Is it possible to know for certain that you will eventually hit the sub?


  1. At second 0 you drop a charge at position 100. Miss.
  2. At second 1 you drop a charge at position -1,000,000. Miss.
  3. At second 2 you drop a charge at position 4 billion. Miss.
  4. At second 3 you drop a charge at position 4 billion. Miss.
  5. At second 4 you drop a charge at position 0. Hit!
In this example, the sub was traveling at -20 units/second, and at second 0 was at position 80, so you hit him. Good job, captain!

Warning: I ain't never met nobody who can solve this, including myself, without help. Don't feel bad.